contemporary ceramic artist

Alexia Manzoni Porath has exhibited both at home and abroad. The work has appeared in both group and solo settings and has received a great deal of critical praise.
2021 "XV International Biennial of Artistic Ceramics",
Aveiro, Portugal
"Floating Island" becomes part of the Museum private collection
2020 "XXVII Concorso di ceramica contemporanea MediTERRAneo", Grottaglie, Italy
2019 "Thoughtful Planet 3", Thoughtful Gallery, Newcastle, UK
2018 "ROMA D'ARTE EXPO", BACC Gallery, Rome, Italy
2018 "RO.ME. MUSEUM EXHIBITION", BACC Gallery, Rome, Italy
2015 "Affordable art Fair", Utterly Gallery, Singapore
2015 "Awakening the Dragon", solo exhibition,
Thow Kwang Industry, Singapore
2014 "Awaken the dragon", Thow Kwang Pottery Jungle, Singapore
2014 "Premio Adrenalina", museo Civico "U. Mastroianni",
Marino (Rome), Italy
2014 Biennale d'arte creativa, Viterbo, Palazzo dei Papi,
sala Alessandro IV, Italy
2014 ArtMonacò2014, - Fiera d'arte contemporanea, Monacò.
"Caos" wins "Le Prix d'Excellence PenseÌ€ Ecologique”
2014 Vernice, - Fiera d'arte contemporanea, Forlì, Italy
2014 ArteGenova - Fiera d'arte contemporanea, Genova, Italy
2013 ArtePadova - Fiera d'arte contemporanea, Padova, Italy
2013 "Premio Combat", Livorno, Italy
2013 "Al femminile", Magazzini della Lupa, Tuscania, Italy
2012 "Il Mondo offeso", Mostra personale
presso il I° Municipio di Roma Centro, Italy
2012 "Premio Adrenalina", La Pelanda,
2012 "Keramikos", Chiostro degli Agostiniani, Bracciano, Italy
2012 "Master of masters", Teatro Olimpico, Roma, Italy
2012 "Panta Rei", Chiesa San Michele all'Arco di Augusto, Fondazione Carifano ed Eureka Eventi Arte, Fano, Italy
2012 "41°52'49''N I 12°28'25''E. Le coordinate della ceramica", Keramos, CiE, Rome, Italy
2012 "Plasmando", Galleria Saman, Roma, Italy
2012 "Premio Eureka", Domus Talenti, Roma, Italy.
Wins second prize for sculpture.
2012 "Open Studio", ArgillaNetWork, Roma, Italy
2011 "Aria Terra Acqua Fuoco", Collezione Saman, Roma, Italy
2011 "L'emozione del cielo", Biblioteca Angelica, Roma,Italy
2010 "L'emozione dei colori", Complesso Quirinale Teatro dei Dioscuri, Roma, Italy
2009 "Susan Komen- Pink Tie Ball", Sheraton Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany
2008 "Spring collection", SDC Gallery, London, UK
2008 "Symbol Rose", Kunst und Designpreis, Lippe, Germany
2008 "New Beginnings", Sdc Gallery, London, Uk
2007 "Designers Craft Exhibition", Mall Galleries, London, Uk
2006 "Art from Earth", Tower 42, London, Uk
2006 "Art in Clay", Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, Uk
2006 "Earth and Fire", Rufford, Nottinghamshire, Uk
2006 "New Designers 2006", Business Design Centre, London, Uk